There are moments in life when time seems to slow to a crawl. Moments when you can almost count the heartbeats were you inclined to do so. Moments so special you hold your breath, as if such a simple act would break the spell and time would speed up again. Aeriol and Richards wedding ceremony was a string of such moments, one after another. It was an honour to have been asked, over a cider at the Hobgoblin Pub in Bristol, England last year, to photograph their wedding in St. Julien L’ars, France. Some friendships defy the usual boundaries of space, and no matter how far apart the four of us are, or for how long, it always feels like being amongst family. I would write more, but I will let the photos do the talking just this once. Aeriol, Richard, from both Samantha and I, all the love in the world, and congratulations. Thank you for letting us be a part of your day.